- Affordable prices. This may be the strongest reason. Prices in hotels are usually double than price of private home, and many customers pull their load.
- Extra quality service. The peculiarity of the houses have little room and be served by a family allows you to serve your customers with quality and exclusivity very especiales.Cada day rental houses strive is to find an excellent service for each customer .
- Plus personal attention. The houses are run by Cuban families and all their attention will be on serving the customer. These families come to recognize their customers as family members, know their tastes, interests and histories. The whole family is aware of your wishes and needs. That is why most clients return on each trip to the same house.
- Family Life. Living in a Cuban home also allows them to find my way into their lives, their joys and sorrows. Know your neighbors, your friends, each with its vision of Cuba in these times, historical and magical. In a Cuban home environment is far from ceremonial and straightening of a hotel while still being refined and pleasant.
- Meet Cuba and Havana truth. Concero told the Cuban reality and lived by the Cuban television without distorting. Believe what you see.
In Belky's House is a sixth reason: Getting an indelible memory of Havana.
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